Healthy foods

Some popular theories about milk are simply myths according to scientific data. Let’s examine those that have been debunked.

Milk is only suitable for children. Many adults worldwide find this claim logical and convincing, subsequently giving up milk. However, according to food science professor Eve Judu of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, milk and dairy products are actually beneficial throughout life.

“Natural selection favors individuals who retain the enzyme lactase to digest milk sugar,” the scientist stated.

To maintain the body’s ability to absorb milk, she advises regularly consuming appropriate dairy products. Those unable to tolerate fresh milk should eat fermented dairy and low-lactose milk products.

Milk is a source of harmful cholesterol. Drinking one glass of whole milk provides about 14 milligrams of cholesterol. However, the body needs up to 350 milligrams of dietary cholesterol daily. Believing milk “clogs” vessels with cholesterol is a myth. Milk contains various fatty acids, many of which lower blood cholesterol.

It’s better to choose low-fat milk. Also a myth, debunked by scientists. Full-fat milk is preferable as fats aid absorbing its calcium and vitamins. Notably, milk fats reduce cholesterol, decreasing cardiovascular disease risks.

Milk contains dangerous hormones. Experts point out many foods contain hormones, yet digestion handles processing and elimination well. Milk consumption does not impact human sex hormone levels, researchers emphasize.

Overall, science disproves many negative theories about milk. When consumed sensibly, it remains a nutritious beverage for all ages.

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